Level Up - A Leadership Podcast

Thought Leadership and Content Marketing

James Lee Season 1 Episode 5

Why do people go to websites?  It's probably not to see an advertisement of your company.

Advertisements are inherently disruptive.  They are designed to interrupt what you are doing (i.e. watching TV) to pay attention to your company or brand.  Content Marketing is a magnet that draws interested people to content that will actually help them.  In other words, advertisements are the "hype" and content marketing is the "help". 

Whether you are a solo-entrepreneur or a large company, you will NOT generate trust or demand without a solid content marketing strategy.  A subset of content marketing, according to guest, Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder and CMO or Orbit Media, is thought leadership

 Thought leadership always makes strong assertions, and you can be certain that someone will disagree with you.  Andy believes that thought leadership takes courage and that it isn't for everybody.  But, if you feel comfortable enough to stand out on that branch - a little exposed - I hope this episode can help you to feel a little more strategic and confident.  Your industry needs your voice.  Make it count.